New research 2021.11.12 The risk of developing kidney disease among type 1 diabetes patients in Rwanda A new study from the University of Copenhagen, Rwanda Diabetes Association and the World Diabetes…
immune system 2021.11.12 Malaria: New knowledge about naturally acquired immunity may improve vaccines The researchers believe the new findings may be used to improve existing malaria vaccines.
WHO guidelines 2021.10.28 Researchers: WHO guidelines are unattainable in poor countries What do you do in a country like Tanzania, for example, when the WHO says that all countries must…
Diseases 2021.10.26 Project to prevent and control vector-borne diseases in Africa and Europe PREPARE4VBD will develop new knowledge, detection tools and surveillance systems to improve…
Freezing 2021.10.12 Winter-swimming Scandinavian men can teach us how the body adapts to extreme heat and cold Ice-cold winter swimming and hot visits to the sauna could help the body adapt for extreme…
Lecture 2021.10.04 Video: Foodborne Infections and Outbreaks - in Denmark and beyond Watch the video recording of Steen Ethelberg's inaugural lecture 'Foodborne Infections and Outbreak…
Keynote 2021.10.04 Video: Demographic challenges and opportunities in Asia and Africa Watch the video recording of Reiner Klingholz' keynote address 'Demographic challenges and…
Teeth 2021.09.21 Danes’ oral health has improved but social inequalities have not changed Danish oral health has improved; so a large study of the Danes’ oral health the past 30 years…
Diabetes 2021.09.10 Researchers hope to improve medical treatment for diabetes and obesity Through new knowledge of how the so-called GIP receptor works inside human cells, researchers from…
Biology 2021.09.09 Fruit fly metabolism could pave the way for new obesity and diabetes drugs The inner workings of fruit flies are more similar to those of humans than one might think. Now,…
Eggs 2021.09.02 Painful fractures: Large eggs push small hens to the breaking point The majority of laying hens in Denmark suffer from keel bone fractures, a new study conducted at th…
Interview 2021.09.01 Interview with Anne Bach Nielsen, postdoctoral researcher at COPE Meet COPE postdoctoral researcher Anne Bach Nielsen. Nielsen's research explores disaster governanc…