Do you want to organise Global Health Film Days 2025?
Would you like to learn how to curate films and debates about the most urgent global health challenges of our time? We are looking for student and alumni organisers for UCPH's yearly film festival, Global Health Film Days, which will take place in Spring 2025.

For four years in a row, Global Health Film Days has brought thought-provoking films and debates about our time’s most urgent global health challenges to the big screen. And we want to continue this journey in 2025.
Global problems require global solutions, and that is the starting point for Global Health Film Days. We want to show films and host debates and events that make people reflect about the interconnectedness of health and wellbeing on our planet. We want people to be inspired and to become changemakers for a more sustainable – and healthy – future.
Global Health is more than infectious diseases and how we deal with them. Climate change, food production, pollution, health policy, mental well-being, reproductive and sexual health and rights, new forms of medical treatment and the right to health care and medicine are just some of the topics that global health deals with. And these are all some of the topics you can meet on the big screen at Global Health Film Days.
Become a student organiser
Would you like to curate a debate, talk or panel about a global health topic or challenge that you are passionate about? Would you make s short film about a global health topic? Make our new festival trailer? Develop our visual identity? Work on a funding application? Be our new social media manager, developing a strategy for e.g. Instagram or Facebook?
Then get in touch with us now and become a part of a dedicated team of student organisers. Maybe you only have a little time to dedicate to the festival, maybe you have a lot? No matter what, we can find a task that suits you.
Experiences from students and organisers in 2021 - 2023:
- 2023: Uniavisen opinion piece "The global health sector depends on women but favours men"
In Danish: "Den globale sundhedssektor er afhængig af kvinder, men favoriserer mænd" - 2022: Uniavisen interview 'Students organise film festival to get us all thinking about world health'
In Danish: 'Studerende laver filmfestival, der skal få os til at tænke dybt over verdenssundhed' - 2021: Uniavisen interview »When you've seen this film, nothing is ever going to be the same again«
In Danish: »Når du har set den her film, er ingenting helt det samme længere«
We would also like to hear from you if you have ideas for topics, films, venues, collaboration partners etc.
Send us an e-mail on if you are interested in joining.

Submit your film
Have you made a global health related film or do you know someone who has? Then submit your film - or tip your friend about it.
Read more about film submission here.
About Global Health Film Days
The festival takes places 7-13 April 2025. The main festival location is the Cinematheque in The Danish Film Institute.
Global Health Film Days is organised by the University of Copenhagen's School of Global Health and a dedicated team of student volunteers.
- Find us on Facebook here
- Find us on Instagram here
- Visit our website here or watch our 2024 festival trailer below: