Women in Global Health Denmark is looking for coordinators and volunteers
The Danish chapter of Women in Global Health (WGH DK) is seeking new core group members and working group volunteers. WGH DK’s aim is to challenge power and privilege for gender equity in health – in Denmark and beyond.

WGH DK puts gender equality on the map, and engages in relevant forums and events in Denmark and the European Region. We hope to lift the profile of women in global health, by creating an open Chapter registry, where interested women and allies have a chance to be featured and seen. We aim to be an important player within the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion discussion in health within Denmark and beyond.
We are looking for the below core group members:
Deputy Coordinator
The Deputy Coordinator will support the WGH DK Coordinator and maintai a close focus on the EU Chapter and Nordic Chapter policy liaison.
You are:
- Experienced in serving on organizational committee(s)
- Highly organised and with a creative vision
- Able to take on a leadership role
If you are interested, please contact WGH K Coordinator Saskia Nahrgang on wghdenmark@womeningh.org
Organisational and Knowledge Lead
The Organisational and Knowledge Lead is vital to ensuring a well run national Chapter and creating a solid administrative foundation for WGH DK.
Key responsibilities:
- working with coordinator to ensure smooth running of The Core Group.
- schedule committee meetings, prepare meeting agendas, and document minutes
- working with Core Group to compile governance documents, and subsequently ensuring that the Core Group works in accordance with these
- responsible for organizing and archiving documents and resources
You are:
- Highly organized and proactive
- Familiar with/quick to learn how to use range of digital platforms to facilitate remote meetings
- Effective administrative skills
If you are interested, please contact WGH K Coordinator Saskia Nahrgang on wghdenmark@womeningh.org
Diversity and Inclusion Lead
The Diversity and Inclusion Lead will shape the definition of diversity and inclusion for WGH DK (youth, ethnicity, culture, gender and sexual identification etc).
Key responsibilities:
- Advise the core group team on diversity and inclusion issues to inform their areas of work
- Lead the development of strategies, learning activities and frameworks for fostering diversity, inclusion, and equity in WGH DK activities
- Ensure that the WGH DK and its group members adhere to principles of diversity and inclusion
- Deliver inputs to the core group member on diversity and inclusion to guide other working group areas.
- Lead specific areas within diversity and inclusion e.g. youth, people with disabilities, minority groups etc.
- Stay alert on diversity and inclusion issues in health including initiatives in WGH
- Conduct analysis of relevant diversity and inclusion in the Danish health landscape and synthesize findings
- Design and implement dedicated activities on diversity and inclusion in liaison with the other
You are:
- Passionate about Diversity and Inclusion
- Knowledgeable about Diversity and Inclusion
- Problem solving and analytical skills
- Innovative and creative
If you are interested, please contact WGH K Coordinator Saskia Nahrgang on wghdenmark@womeningh.org
Partnerships Lead
The Partnership Lead will be responsible for building the partnerships of WGH DK.
Your responsibilities:
- Lead on a stakeholder/potential partner mapping exercise to identify priority organizations and groups to target in both public, political and private sphere
- Facilitate the development of a partnership strategy and action plan
- Identify entry points with target orgs/partners for collaborations and alliances
- Support core members to raise the profile of the WGH Denmark amongst stakeholders and potential partners
You are:
- Good understanding of the health landscape in Denmark that includes service delivery, thought leadership and policy or willingness and interest to learn
- Personal and Professional networks in Health
- Good relationship building and networking skills
- Interest, enthusiasm and motivation
If you are interested, please contact Interim Partnership Lead Stine Vest Nielsen on stine_vest@hotmail.com
Communications Lead
As the Communication Lead you will be oversee the activities of the communicaitons working group.
Your responsibilities:
- To lead on the development and implementation of a communications strategy incl. social media, web, PR, press and news
- Build the membership of the communications working group with members with interest and skills within communications
- Liaise and manage the relationship with the current web site host the University of Copenhagen
You are:
- Passionate about creating captivating stories for web and social media
- A good storyteller
- Can lead a small team of volunteers
- Good at keeping updated on the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion agenda in Denmark and internationally
If you are interested, please contact Interim Communication Lead Morten Mechlenborg Nørulf on mortenmn@sund.ku.dk
We are looking for the following working group volunteers:
The event group is responsible for coordinating and developing WGH DKs event programme. You will help with the facilitation, the management of individual events and the idea generation behind our event strategy. You will conceptualise event themes and objectives; identify potential partners, platforms, and target groups for different events; ensure that invitations are shared (in collaboration with the WGH DK communications group); coordinate logistics and potentially managing budgets; and ensure that events have a clear objective and run smoothly. If would be great of you have a network or motivation/ability to network; are creative and have the energy for realising new ideas, are organised and motivated, and can work under pressure.
Please contact event coordinator Tine Rikke Jørgensen on jorgensent@who.int if you want to join this group.
Our communications team is responsible for our activities on social media, web, PR, press and news stories and promotion of WGH DK in general. We are looking for creative people with a flair for communication that can help us build our communication strategy and activities. There are many tasks in the communications group and we do not expect that you can fulfil them all but we are looking for people with an interest in:
- Social media
- Writing news and press releases
- Cultivate a relationship to relevant Danish and international media in terms of planting stories about WGH topics
- Stay alert to what goes on in media on the diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) in health agenda
- Write open editorials - preferably with other Danish or international like minded organisations - on DEI and health topics
- Develop a PR plan for the chapter to follow, in terms of positioning WGH DK on the DEI and health agenda in Denmark
Please contact interrim communication Lead Morten Mechlenborg Nørulf on mortenmn@sund.ku.dk if you want to join this group.
We are looking for people to support the Partnership Lead in terms of building and maintaining WGH DK's partnerships and networks. You will use and/or build your own networks to create alliances for WGH DK, and you will support the implementation of the partnership strategy.
Please contact interim Partnership Lead Stine Vest Nielsen on stine_vest@hotmail.com on if you want to join this group.
Leadership and development
In this group you will lead on the development and maintenance of the mentoring and Coaching Program and you will work with the communication group to promote the program. Stay alert to opportunities that can be promoted to the network through the communication working group and develop a number of leadership events and discussions in collaboration with the Events lead. Identify Leadership Champions for WGH DK and with the partnership lead identify potential collaborations with existing L&D Institutes and organisations.
Please contact Tarang Sharma tarangs@gmail.com if you are interested in joining this group.
Diversity and inclusion
If you want to join the Diversity and Inclusion Working Group you will Deliver inputs on diversity and inclusion to guide other working group areas. You will lead specific areas within diversity and inclusion e.g. youth, people with disabilities, minority groups etc. You need to stay alert on diversity and inclusion issues in health including initiatives in WGH and you will conduct analysis of relevant diversity and inclusion in the Danish health landscape and synthesise findings. Design and implement dedicated activities on diversity and inclusion in liaison with the other working groups e.g. advocacy campaigns, editorials, partnerships etc.
Please contact Jacqui Moller Larsen on jacquimollerlarsen@icloud.com if you are interested in joining this group.
Read more about Women in Global Health Denmark here.