Youth Mental Health / Short Film Programme and Opening Reception

Global Health Film Days 2024
From the short film 'Her Name Was Sita'

Book your ticket here.

About the short films

The Youth Mental Health Short Film Programme will present five short films about young people’s mental health, drawing on stories and situations from around the world. The films in this program cover a wide range of perspectives; from Gasping for Life (2023), a film about a young person’s experiences with depression and anxiety, to Nexus (2023), a story about one adolescents' struggles with an eating disorder during the COVID-19 pandemic. Other films in the program are: Her Name was Sita (2023), a film about the situation surrounding suicide and self-harm among young women and girls in Nepal, Antara (2021), a film about the COVID-19 pandemic’s impact on mental health through the eyes of three-year old in Bangladesh, and Boys of Nunavut (2018), a short film about mental health, suicide risks and cultural belonging among Indigenous boys in a region of Northern Canada.

TRIGGER WARNING: The short film programme contains conversations and depictions of people struggling with suicidal thoughts and selfharm.


The compilation of films for the Youth Mental Health Short Film Programme covers diverse perspectives from young people around the world. Ranging from 8 to 24 minutes in length, these films discuss unique and important topics within youth mental health. The screenings will be accompanied by a Q&A with filmmaker Heshani Sothiraj Eddelston ('Her Name Was Sita'). Before the films there is an Opening Reception in Asta Bar from 19.15. The event is in English. 

There will by an introduction to youth mental health by the festival organisers, together with Senior Vice President, Social & Humanitarian, Novo Nordisk Foundation, Flemming Konradsen. After the films there will be an interactive panel discussion with Her Name Was Sita director Heshani Sothiraj Heddleston, youth mental health expert Victor Ugo, and Rory Collet, who is a young person themself as well as a mental health advocate.

Tickets: +45 33 74 34 12 or here.
See the full festival programme here.

Trailer for Nexus

NEXUS TRAILER from Chris Godwin on Vimeo.