Shrinking Space / Palestine evening

Palestine evening: ‘Shrinking Space’

Book your ticket here.

Shrinking Space provides an insight into the conditions for humanitarian and civil society organizations in Palestine: Israel imposes restrictions on NGOs and UN organizations offering aid. These methods include prohibiting the activities or existence of organizations, such as in the case of UNRWA, or using prefixes like ‘terrorist’ to categorize them. Directors and staff at humanitarian NGOs know that they are constantly at risk of arrest. How long can they continue their work for humanitarian conditions and human rights in Palestine, with a civil society and physical territory that are constantly shrinking and being restricted?

Director: Cristina Mora, Norma Nebot
Production: Fora de Quadre
Spain, 2025
English, Arabic, and Spanish with English subtitles
76 minutes

Trigger warning: Depiction of political oppression, human rights violations, displacement, and state violence.


After the previous film screening, Palestinian video installations and some Palestinian food will be set up at Cinemateket’s Asta Bar from 18:30. The screening of Shrinking Space includes an introduction and a discussion about the film. The event is in English.

Get your tickets on +45 3374 3412 or order them here.
See the full festival programme here.