The Illusion of Abundance + To Remedy the Damage: Indigenous Surveillance of the Territory / Indigenous resistance

Indigenous resistance: ‘The Illusion of Abundance’

Book your ticket here.

In a world driven by consumption, global companies accept the destruction of the environment in order to push their interests. The Illusion of Abundance is a documentary that spotlights the stories of those who dare to fight against the industries’ violations of human rights and the struggle for their own survival, with sometimes fatal consequences. It follows three women in Peru, Honduras and Brazil on their tireless mission to sue those corporations that are killing their people and stealing their lands. Through poignant visuals and empowering messages this film sheds light on the life-threatening realities of many across Latin America, and asks questions like “Why would governments let corporations do abroad what they would never do in their own territories?”

Directors: Matthieu Lietaert, Erika Gonzales Ramirez
Belgium, 2023
English, Spanish, Portuguese with English subtitles
60 min

The film will be preceded by the short film To Remedy the Damage: Indigenous Surveillance of the Territory, which showcases the impact of oil activities on Indigenous communities in northern Amazonas, Peru, and their resistance.

Directors: Frederica Barclay
Produced by IWGIA, Puinamudt and Perú Equidad, 2024
Spanish with English subtitles
20 minutes


The screening will be followed by a 30 minutes panel with experts and representatives of Indigenous peoples. It will expand the context and address commonalities of Indigenous Peoples’ resistance to the impact of colonisation in different settings, specifically delving into current cases in Greenland with a human rights perspective. After the panel, snacks and drinks will be served in AstaBar. The event will be in English.

Get your tickets on +45 3374 3412 or order them here.
See the full festival programme here.

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