FORAGERS / Foraging for wild edible plants in Palestine/Israel

Forager from the film

Join us for a free film screening of Jumana Manna's beautiful film 'Foragers'.

Registration is closed. Please write us on if you want to be on the waitlist.

Global Health Film Days and Studerende mod Besættelsen/Students against the Occupation have come together to invite for a free screening of the beautiful film 'Foragers' by Palestinian director, Jumana Manna.
In historical Palestine, foraging for wild ‘akkoub and za’atar – traditional foods that Palestinians have gathered from the land for generations – is punishable by fines and imprisonment. Threading together fiction, documentary, and archival footage, Foragers reveals how Israeli legislation in the name of natural conservation constitutes yet another means of separating Palestinians from their land – and of deciding which lives are worthy of protection. 'Foragers' examines food as a living terrain for omnipresent settler colonial violence, but also unassailable Palestinian resistance.
After the film, we invite for Palestinian manakeesh with za'atar made by Danish Palestinian Women Organisation (DAPAWO).

The film will also be followed by a talk and discussion from members of the Om Sleiman Farm in the West Bank:
- Muhab Al Alami: Muhab is from Jerusalem, but now lives in France. He is one of the founders of the Om Sleiman organic farm in Bil’in in the West Bank. As foraging can be seen as an act of resistance, Om Sleiman is also, in many ways, a story of resistance.
Read this article for learn more about Muhab and the farm here.
- Ingrid Hejslet Larsen: Ingrid is a student at KU who is part of Students Against the Occupation. She has been to Palestine where she has volunteered at the Om Sleiman farm. She will speak about her experiences in Palestine.

About the film:

Foragers depicts the dramas around the practice of foraging for wild edible plants in Palestine/Israel with wry humor and a meditative pace. Shot in the Golan Heights, the Galilee and Jerusalem, it employs fiction, documentary and archival footage to portray the impact of Israeli nature protection laws on these customs. The restrictions prohibit the collection of the artichoke-like ’akkoub and za’atar (thyme), and have resulted in fines and trials for hundreds caught collecting these native plants. For Palestinians, these laws constitute an ecological veil for legislation that further alienates them from their land while Israeli state representatives insist on their scientific expertise and duty to protect. Following the plants from the wild to the kitchen, from the chases between the foragers and the nature patrol, to courtroom defenses, Foragers captures the joy and knowledge embodied in these traditions alongside their resilience to the prohibitive law. By reframing the terms and constraints of preservation, the film raises questions around the politics of extinction, namely who determines what is made extinct and what gets to live on.

See the trailer here:

FORAGERS / اليد الخضراء / Trailer from jumana manna on Vimeo.