Impure / First Period - stigma and empowerment

First Period - stigma and empowerment: ‘Impure’

Book you ticket here.

June, a twelve-year-old Kenyan girl, is bluntly confronted with the realities of exclusion, shame, and stigma around menstruation when she experiences her first menstruation while attending school. Drawing on real-life events, ‘Impure’ highlights the social and cultural stigmas and taboos around menstruation, and it emphasizes the need for engagement in discussion around ‘period shaming’, menstrual health, and women’s health. A touching story that will make viewers reflect upon and engage in conversation surrounding menstrual equity and dignity.

Director: Rico Herre
Germany/Kenya, 2024
Swahili with English subtitles
84 minutes


There will be a short introduction before the film, and afterwards the audience is invited to Asta Bar for a drink and a workshop centered around the experience of first periods, the taboo and stigma surrounding it and the importance of the language used to talk about menstruation. The aim is to foster a safe and inclusive environment for learning and discussion. The workshop is approx. 1 hour. The event will be in English.

Get your tickets on +45 3374 3412 or order them here.
See the full festival programme here.

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