Global Health Researcher Spotlight 2024.01.31 Henrik Kløverpris: Mechanisms underlying gut immune reconstitution after HIV infection Meet Henrik Kløverpris, an Associate Professor at University of Copenhagen researching the…
Maternal Health 2024.01.30 Urgent action needed to reduce stillborn and newborn deaths in Tanzania A new publication involving researchers from Tanzania, the Netherlands, and Denmark has revealed…
Grant 2024.01.26 COVID-19 can be harsh on our organs. Now, a significant grant aims to prevent serious consequences Most of the Danish population has been infected with COVID-19, and several studies indicate that th…
SUICIDE PREVENTION 2024.01.22 People with suicidal thoughts help each other through tough times In closed online groups, people with suicidal thoughts support each other through tough times. Thes…
Collegial supervision 2024.01.17 Communities of practice – everything is easier when you’re not alone! THEN MAYBE IT'S TIME to try some collegial supervision? Get things done together with colleagues?…
International collaboration 2024.01.17 International collaboration brings valuable experiences to SUND IN NOVEMBER, a team of five COBL specialists embarked on a journey to Delhi in north and Vellore i…
Privacy 2024.01.16 Computer scientists makes noisy data: Can improve treatments in health care University of Copenhagen researchers have developed software able to disguise sensitive data such a…
Germs and Cancer 2024.01.10 Germs can offset the effect of cancer therapy An infection with the bacteria Staphylococcus aureus tends to worsen the condition for patients wit…
dentistry 2023.12.21 Lozenge does not prevent caries, but may help if you already have caries – but there is still a long way to go A PhD project at the University of Copenhagen has studied the effect of a lozenge on caries and…
Global Health Researcher Spotlight 2023.12.20 Jacob Lind: Everyday lives of migrants in vulnerable situations The School of Global Health's Global Health Research Spotlight series focuses on global health…
Maternal Health 2023.12.20 Researchers call for global action against overtreatment of prolonged labour Globally, prolonged labour is overdiagnosed and overtreated with oxytocin and caesarean section. Ne…
Metabolism 2023.12.19 When we get older and overweight, we develop metabolic diseases. Now we know why Obesity and aging increase the risk of diabetes and fatty liver. Scientists have figured out what…