Health in Greenland – a global perspective

Picture of ice and water

University of Copenhagen's Department of Public Health, Globe Institute, and the School of Global Health, are inviting you to an afternoon symposium where we will explore different aspects of health in Greenland and the Arctic. 

The event is organised in connection with the appointment of Michael Lynge Pedersen as Affiliated Professor in Arctic Health at the Global Health Section, Department of Public Health, University of Copenhagen. 

About the symposium

Health in Greenland is challenged by the harsh arctic environment, long distances, and lack of locally anchored health personnel. Over the last decades, health delivery has been further challenged by markable disease and demographic transitions.  

These changes have required adaptive and innovative approaches, involving indigenous understandings of natural resources, food systems and health. In a world facing huge challenges regarding planetary health, climate change and political uncertainty, the lessons learned from Greenland may offer relevant perspectives to the global conversation.

Please register here before 25 June.

Click here for the Zoom webinar link.