Global Health at Folkemødet 2024


The Global Health Section and the School of Global Health are going to Folkemødet (“Peoples’ Meeting”) 2024 on Bornholm. We are looking forward to discussing global health challenges and opportunities with participants, researchers, and decision-makers.

Below you can find the events we are convening or co-convening and a few recommendations for events organised by fellow colleagues and partners. The events are in Danish.

If you would like to meet us at Folkemødet, feel free to reach out on for scheduling a meeting.













Please see at complete list of events from colleagues from the Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences here.

Folkemødet is one of the biggest democratic events in Denmark. It is conversation, participation and community. Folkemødet is always conducted in week 24 in Allinge on Bornholm. See the full programme here.