Understanding family planning method denial in Malawi: why women leave facilities empty-handed

Nordic Global Health Talks

Watch the webinar recording here.

The presentation is by Jill M. Peterson, University of Iceland.

Increasing accessibility to family planning is key to decreasing its unmet need in sub-Saharan Africa. In this talk, we will explore the issue of family planning method denial, or "turnaway", in Malawi. Turnaway happens when women have arrived at a facility intending to initiate a method but end up leaving without one. Based on research conducted in 30 facilities in three districts, we will look at how often and why turnaway happens and hear the perspectives of both clients and providers.

In addition to pursuing her PhD in Global Studies at the University of Iceland, Jill M. Peterson is a research associate with an international NGO called FHI 360. She has nearly 20 years of experience in research, program evaluation, and monitoring and evaluation (M&E) on a variety of topics, including family planning and HIV services. Jill has lived and worked throughout sub-Saharan Africa since 2010, including in Rwanda, Senegal, and Malawi. She has a master's degree in Public Policy from the University of Minnesota, USA.

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Nordic Global Health Talks is a monthly webinar series about global health research at Nordic universities, hosted by the Nordic Network on Global Health. It is free and open to everyone interested in knowing more about Nordic global health research, education and collaborative projects.

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