Work in heat and climate-sensitive infectious diseases

Nordic Global Health Talks 9

See the recording of the webinar here (video comming).

This time the presentation is by Laith Hussain and Kristina Jakobsson, University of Gothenburg.

Climate change is increasingly challenging population health, health systems, and policies. Heat stress at work has already profound implications for workers health and productivity. Climate-sensitive diseases (dengue, chikungunya, zika, malaria, cholera…etc.) are rapidly expanding.  Routine surveillance and Early Warning systems of disease outbreaks pose a challenge, since no universally accepted or proven set of indicators exist, with under-resourced surveillance in many settings. In previous years, TDR-WHO together with endemic countries and Gothenburg University have developed a temporal and spatial framework for outbreak prediction and contingency plan. The development of this global framework and the way forward will be presented and discussed.

About Nordic Global Health Talks

Nordic Global Health Talks is a monthly webinar series about global health research at Nordic universities, hosted by the Nordic Network on Global Health. It is free and open to everyone interested in knowing more about Nordic global health research, education and collaborative projects.

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